1: Title: Introduction to Battery Tips for Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 - Optimize display brightness - Use power-saving mode - Close unused apps - Disable unnecessary features

2: Title: Display Brightness - Lower brightness level - Enable adaptive brightness - Use dark mode - Avoid automatic screen rotation

3: Title: Power-Saving Mode - Activate power-saving mode - Limit background processes - Turn off notifications - Use battery optimization settings

4: Title: App Management - Close background apps - Update apps regularly - Use battery-efficient apps - Disable auto-sync

5: Title: Feature Optimization - Turn off Bluetooth and GPS - Disable Wi-Fi when not in use - Limit location services - Use battery saver mode

6: Title: Charging Best Practices - Avoid overcharging - Use original charger - Charge in a cool place - Avoid using the phone while charging

7: Title: Battery Health Maintenance - Avoid extreme temperatures - Keep battery between 20-80% - Use official accessories - Monitor battery usage

8: Title: Longevity Benefits - Extend battery lifespan - Improve performance - Save money on replacements - Reduce environmental impact

9: Title: Conclusion - Follow these tips to extend battery life - Enjoy longer usage without interruptions - Maintain your Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5's battery health - Experience top-notch performance every day.

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