1: Witness the rare April 8 solar eclipse across the USA. Learn when totality begins in each state.

2: Alabama: 1:45 PM Alaska: 12:31 PM Arizona: 1:17 PM

3: Arkansas: 1:39 PM California: 1:10 PM Colorado: 1:12 PM

4: Connecticut: 1:26 PM Delaware: 1:43 PM Florida: 1:58 PM

5: Georgia: 1:45 PM Hawaii: 11:47 AM Idaho: 1:17 PM

6: Illinois: 1:19 PM Indiana: 1:27 PM Iowa: 1:23 PM

7: Kansas: 1:21 PM Kentucky: 1:32 PM Louisiana: 1:41 PM

8: Maine: 1:23 PM Maryland: 1:47 PM Massachusetts: 1:27 PM

9: Michigan: 1:23 PM Minnesota: 1:22 PM Mississippi: 1:45 PM

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