1: "Foreign interference? Not our concern," asserts S Jaishankar on election monitoring by UN.

2: "We know our democratic values," Jaishankar reaffirms India's commitment to free and fair elections.

3: "UN comments? Irrelevant," the External Affairs Minister dismisses international scrutiny.

4: "No need for outsiders," Jaishankar stands firm on India's sovereignty in election matters.

5: "India handles its elections," says Jaishankar, rejecting external interference.

6: "Fair polls: Our responsibility," Jaishankar stresses on India's ability to conduct impartial elections.

7: "UN's role? Not required," Jaishankar maintains India's self-sufficiency in election monitoring.

8: "Democracy is our tradition," Jaishankar emphasizes India's long-standing commitment to free and fair polls.

9: "No UN intervention needed," Jaishankar's stance on external oversight of India's election process.

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