Fastest Birds in the World 

Peregrine Falcon

Reaching speeds over 240 mph, the peregrine falcon is the fastest bird on record, diving at incredible velocities to catch prey.


White-throated Needletail

Swift and agile, the white-throated needletail can reach speeds of up to  105 mph, making it one of the fastest-flying birds in level flight.


Golden Eagle

With a wingspan up to 7 feet, the golden eagle soars through the air at speeds exceeding 200 mph when diving for prey.


Eurasian Hobby

Known for its rapid flight and maneuverability, the Eurasian hobby can  fly at speeds of up to 100 mph while chasing down small birds and  insects.


Grey-headed Swamphen

Despite its bulky appearance, the grey-headed swamphen can sprint across  water at impressive speeds of up to 20 mph, using its long toes to  propel itself forward.


Anna's Hummingbird

Although tiny, Anna's hummingbird can achieve speeds of 50 mph in level  flight, thanks to its rapid wingbeats of up to 80 times per second.


Spine-tailed Swift

Clocking in at speeds of around 106 mph, the spine-tailed swift holds  the record for the fastest horizontal flying speed of any bird.



With its distinctive silhouette and long wings, the frigatebird can soar  effortlessly at speeds of up to 95 mph, using its keen eyesight to spot  prey from high above.


Common Swift

Migrating thousands of miles each year, the common swift can fly  continuously for months, reaching speeds of up to 69 mph during its long  journeys.



Found in Arctic regions, the gyrfalcon is the largest falcon species and can achieve speeds of up to 130 mph when hunting.
