1: Start your day with Morning Bliss by whipping up Spinach and Prosciutto Frittata Muffins in 30 minutes.

2: Gather ingredients: eggs, spinach, prosciutto, cheese and seasoning for a quick and tasty breakfast.

3: Preheat oven and sauté spinach and prosciutto while whisking eggs in a bowl.

4: Combine all ingredients and pour into muffin tin. Bake for 20 minutes.

5: Enjoy easy-to-make, protein-packed frittata muffins for a satisfying morning meal.

6: Make ahead and store in fridge for a grab-and-go breakfast option.

7: Serve with avocado slices or fresh fruit for a balanced start to your day.

8: Experiment with different veggies and meats for endless frittata muffin variations.

9: Indulge in Morning Bliss with Spinach and Prosciutto Frittata Muffins for a delightful breakfast treat.

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