Sleep deprivation can cause hormonal imbalance and weight growth, especially belly fat.

Sleep deprivation can cause hormone abnormalities and weight gain, especially abdominal fat. Sleep deprivation affects hunger and metabolism hormones:

Leptin and Ghrelin: These hormones regulate hunger. Leptin from fat cells tells the brain you're full, while ghrelin from the stomach promotes hunger. 

Sleep loss raises cortisol. Chronically high cortisol may cause abdominal fat accumulation. This may increase visceral fat.

Lack of sleep reduces insulin sensitivity, which may cause insulin resistance. Insulin resistance causes cells to resist insulin, which can lead to belly obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Sleep deprivation can affect glucose metabolism, increasing insulin resistance and glucose tolerance. These can cause weight gain and abdominal obesity.

Insomnia affects the delicate balance of hormones that regulate metabolism, hunger, and fullness. This imbalance might cause abdominal weight gain.

The sleep-weight relationship is complicated, and individual responses differ. Lifestyle, nutrition, and exercise also affect weight management.

A healthy lifestyle includes getting enough and good sleep to maintain weight and lose belly fat. For personalized advice on weight gain or sleep disorders, speak with healthcare professionals.

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