The Mysteries of Visceral Fat and Its Hazards to Your Health.

Intra-abdominal or belly fat builds around internal organs in the abdomen. Some subcutaneous fat is normal and serves as an energy store, but excessive visceral fat can be dangerous. 

Visceral fat greatly increases cardiovascular disease risk. Metabolically active visceral fat promotes inflammation and impairs blood vessel function, contributing to atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Visceral fat causes insulin resistance. Insulin resistance inhibits blood sugar regulation, causing type 2 diabetes.

Visceral fat is linked to high triglycerides, poor HDL cholesterol, and sometimes high LDL cholesterol. Dyslipidemia increases cardiovascular risk.

Visceral fat releases cytokines and other inflammatory chemicals. Chronic inflammation can cause cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, and cancer.

Studies reveal that visceral fat may raise the risk of colorectal and breast cancer. Visceral fat increases cancer risk through complex pathways involving inflammation and hormone abnormalities.

Visceral fat affects hormones. It can boost stress hormone cortisol and reduce insulin-sensitizing hormone adiponectin.

Reduce visceral fat to improve health and reduce hazards. Lifestyle adjustments include a balanced diet, frequent exercise, stress management, and sleep help manage visceral fat. 

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