Top 9 Greatest People of All Time

Burst with Arrow


Ancient Greek philosopher and polymath, known for his contributions to logic, ethics, and science.

Burst with Arrow

Leonardo da Vinci

Renaissance artist and inventor, celebrated for masterpieces like the Mona Lisa and his visionary designs.

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Isaac Newton

English mathematician and physicist, famous for his laws of motion and universal gravitation.

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Albert Einstein

German-born physicist, renowned for his theory of relativity and contributions to quantum mechanics.

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Mahatma Gandhi

Leader of the Indian independence movement, advocate for nonviolent civil disobedience.

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Marie Curie

Polish-French physicist and chemist, pioneering research on radioactivity and the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.

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William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare: English playwright and poet, regarded as the greatest writer in the English language.

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Nelson Mandela

South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and political leader, champion of equality and human rights.

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Mother Teresa

Albanian-Indian nun and missionary, known for her humanitarian work with the poor and sick.

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Winston Churchill

British statesman and Prime Minister during WWII, known for his leadership and oratory skills.

Burst with Arrow

Martin Luther King Jr

Martin Luther King Jr.: American civil rights leader, advocate for racial equality and nonviolent resistance.

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Steve Jobs

Co-founder of Apple Inc., visionary entrepreneur, and pioneer of the personal computer revolution.