Wisconsin Democrats near overturning Republican-drawn legislative redistricting(Part-1)

Washington, DC – Democrats in Wisconsin are making great strides in reversing the legislative maps set by Republicans, which the GOP has utilized for the last thirteen years to expand their majorities and push their agenda.

In purple Wisconsin, where Republicans have maintained tight control of the legislature despite Democrats' impressive statewide victories, the borders for state Assembly and Senate districts are at stake in this battleground state.

The boundaries were drawn by Republicans in 2011, and Democratic attempts to challenge them in court have been unsuccessful up until this point. The conservative-controlled Wisconsin Supreme Court, which authorized Republican plans in 2022, essentially replicated the 2011 map line-for-line.

Due to certain locations not being connected to the rest of the district, the Democrats' most recent complaint claimed that the Republican-drawn borders were unlawful. New maps were ordered to be produced in time for the November election after the Wisconsin Supreme Court agreed in December.

Those with the most distinct borders. With a 19–14 advantage in the Senate and a 57–38 advantage in the Assembly, Republicans assumed majority power after the 2010 election. Their supermajority in the Assembly was 65 to 34 seats after the 2022 election, while their majority in the Senate was 22 to 11.

In August, following Justice Janet Protasiewicz's election victory, the Wisconsin Supreme Court shifted to majority liberal control, prompting Democrats to launch their most recent case the following day. In the 4-3 decision that threw down the Republican maps in December, her vote was the deciding factor.

The Republican Party's options for preventing the redistricting are becoming increasingly limited. They said that Protasiewicz should not preside over the case due to her campaign statements describing the GOP-drawn maps as "rigged" and "unfair.

Still, she refrained from taking the stand. Republicans are now considering taking the matter to the United States Supreme Court in an appeal, claiming breaches of due process, among other things.